Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Icy Roads

Hey Everybody! It looks like we are going to have to cancel lifegroup tonight. The roads are bad and it doesn't look like things are going to get better any time soon. More than likely we will have a fun night next week, but we'll figure that out as time gets closer.

Everybody be safe and have an ice day :)

***My gosh is that witty or what! I just crack myself up!***


Desiree said...

HAAAA That was totally me yesterday...slipped and fell going out to get the mail. It was great. Trying to keep the neighbors entertained and all

coffeygirlb said...

Ok, Matt, you just got a little cooler in our book.....not that we were ever questioning your coolness in the first place, but you know;) Dane and I both enjoying the picture very much....if you like that one, we have a whole treasure trove of similar ones! You guys have a spiffy evening. See ya soon