Sunday, March 29, 2009

March 31

We're going bowling this Tuesday! We will meet at the Rogers Bowling Center on Walnut at 6:30pm. (3500 W Walnut St Rogers, AR 72756 - (479) 636-2320) Eat before you come or grab a hot dog at the alley.

Also, we decided last week to do The Power of a Praying Wife/Husband as our next study. Kevin and Kelly will be leading and posting about what we need to read to prepare for the lesson. Please try to get the books soon, we will start the new lesson next week, April 7.

We are so excited about it and know that God is going to do some awesome things in our marriages as we seek Him in prayer these next 8 weeks.

Jill and Matt

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Hey everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the guest speakers last week. I know that I really enjoyed hearing about Roca's plans and current needs. For those of you that were not able to make it, Murray and Melodee shared their hearts on Roca Blanca ( Check it out if interested...

Anyways, at the very end of group last week I suggested that we wrap up the topic of missions and begin to discuss what we want to do next. This seems to be great timing as the core message of the book is understood, we had a guest speaker on missions, and now Stephanie will be going to Africa on Thursday! Let's be sure to pray for Stephanie as a lifegroup on Tuesday night and lift up her work to God.

So....for preparation Tuesday, feel free to read as much (or as little) of the remainder of the book as you would like. I hope that the book did challenge your mindset and open your eyes up to a new perspective (I know it really did refresh my thinking as well). Be thinking about what we would like to learn as a group for coming weeks.

Lastly....FOOD. Kevin and Kelly are going to bring pizza from Eureka. If each person can chip in $4 that should cover the costs (we'll do a final calculation Tuesday). See you all then!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

March 17

What a terrific Tuesday it will be! St. Patrick's day, guest speakers, and breakfast for dinner! Woohoo!
That's right...we'll not be having a reading assignment because Melodee and Murray Papke will be sharing their hearts and experiences with us about missions. Also, we will be having breakfast foods for dinner! Please post what you will be able to bring.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

March 10

Let's read chapters 14, 15, & 16 for this week. They are pretty short chapters. Let's do B.Y.O.D. (bring your own dinner). Fast-food and leftovers are awesome. See you all soon!


Sunday, March 1, 2009


i have not discussed this with the others--but thought i'd jump the gun and post anyway. it's FUN NIGHT this week! so we'll play some sweet games and just hang out and visit.

let's go mexican again. it's just pretty much the best food anyway.
post what you can bring!