Sunday, January 25, 2009

hey guys!!

this week we'll be doing an old fashioned pot luck.

comment and tell us what you're bringing...we'll need a main dish or two, some sides, some drinks and some desserts.

kevin and i will bring a pitcher of sweet tea and some cookies[or dessert of some kind].

don't forget we will be discussing chapter 6 of the book, then having a FUN NIGHT of games. we may have some new couples this week, and if that's you, just read over the last few posts to get the idea! looking foward to good food and fellowship.

peace out.


LifeIsPresh said...

I will bring some kind of rice....yay

coffeygirlb said...

What are we gonna do about the roads, tomorrow? Will someone call or post if group is cancelled? I know all of the schools already are.