Thursday, April 23, 2009


ok, since we are speed this bad boy along, kevin and i just sat down with each other's books and picked out what we thought WE needed prayer on and went with those chapters. does that make sense? so kev picked what the girls are reading, and i the guys. made sense to us.
so 4 chapters a week[but you know how short they are] for 2 more weeks and we'll call it done:-)

for tues the 27th---
guys need chapters 7) her submission, 9) her priorities, 10) her beauty, 11) her sexuality

girls read chapters 14) his integrity 15) his reputation 16) his priorities 20) his attitude

FOOD--let's be simple and do another "do your own food" night. leftovers, fastfood, eat before you come...whateva....

fyi the next week's will be guys, 13, 16, 18,19 and girls 21, 25 ,26, 27. but i'll update again with that next week.

Friday, April 17, 2009

happy praying

we hope you guys are enjoying the study so far!

let's do one more study week and then a fun night. maybe we'll go bowling for real.

this week boys are reading the next 3 chapters : 4, 5, and 6
girls are reading : 7, 8, 10, 11
[read 9 if you have time, but it is very similar to 'his work' and finding purpose...which we've already discussed.]

now on to the really important stuff. FOOD.

how about another sandwich night? different breads, meats, cheeses, chips, sodas and a dessert.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


sorry i forgot to post sooner guys!

we'll be meeting at 6:30 on tuesday at mike and amber's again, and italian is the theme. pastas, salad, breadsticks, some desserts....and maybe some drinks will be needed.

GIRLS: we are reading chapters 2-6. don't worry, they are short!!

GUYS: only chapters 2 and 3, and catch up if you didn't have a chance to read the first chapter.

looking foward to it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

next tuesday we will start our new study on the power of a praying wife/husband. we will meet at mike and amber's[two houses down from ray and monica's] at 6:30.
breakfast was a hit, so that is the menu again!! post what you'll bring.
for the study, guys and girls please read the 1st chapter.
girls - praying for his wife
guys - praying for her husband
it's a pretty meaty chapter and should allow for great discussion. the other chapters are much lighter and shorter and we'll do a few at a time in future weeks. this is all about preparing your heart for the rest of the study. God's going to do some great stuff in our marriages i believe!!