Wednesday, April 1, 2009

next tuesday we will start our new study on the power of a praying wife/husband. we will meet at mike and amber's[two houses down from ray and monica's] at 6:30.
breakfast was a hit, so that is the menu again!! post what you'll bring.
for the study, guys and girls please read the 1st chapter.
girls - praying for his wife
guys - praying for her husband
it's a pretty meaty chapter and should allow for great discussion. the other chapters are much lighter and shorter and we'll do a few at a time in future weeks. this is all about preparing your heart for the rest of the study. God's going to do some great stuff in our marriages i believe!!


kellyk said...

i will bring egg casserole.

Jill Lauren Schilb said...

Matt and I will bring fruit salad.

Christopher and Melissa Dodd said...

Chris and I will bring cinnamon strussel muffins.

coffeygirlb said...

We'll bring those potatoes again and some bacon. So excited about this new book!

The D'Angelos said...

we are going to have some dessert - a little cake and cheesecake - for Mike's Birthday!

LifeIsPresh said...


Monica said...

we'll bring scrambled eggs and some other various breakfast products.