Sunday, October 26, 2008

No Life Group This Week

Hey Everyone,

This is just a reminder that our Life Group won't be meeting this week - so have fun and enjoy time with your spouse.

- Ray

Monday, October 20, 2008

Guy/Girl Night!

Hey all! Hope you're having a good week! We are looking forward to our time tomorrow night to just hang out!! Everyone can meet at Matt and Jill's house to begin with at 6:30. Guys will be hanging out at Buffalo Wild Wings for 40 cent wing night! Girls, we will order pizza and make some halloween-y cookies! Hopefully everyone can be there! Girls, if you can just bring five bucks to cover pizza and drinks, that would be great!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Lesson 2: Energizing Cycle

OK everyone, sorry we are a little late on posting the assignment. Below is our schedule for the rest of the series. We are looking forward to the next lessons which deal with how we can fix the "Crazy Cycle". There are two funny acronyms C-O-U-P-L-E for guys and C-H-A-I-R-S for girls used in the book to teach us what the other spouse needs. This next lesson guys should read Chapters 8-11 C-O-U and girls Chapters 15-18 C-H-A. We have been praying for all of you and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday at Matt and Jill's house.

October 21- Guy & Girl split (no lesson)
October 28- Guys read Chapters 12- 14 P-L-E, Girls read Chapters 19-21 I-R-S
Nov 4th- Off
Nov 11th- TBD
Nov 18th-Fun night

Monday, October 6, 2008


Hi all! Just wanted to remind you all that there will be NO group this week! I think there may have been some confusion with the schedule. Next life group will meet on October 14th. Reading assignments will be posted soon! Have a good week!!